حَدَّثَنَا سَعِيدُ بْنُ يَحْيَى بْنِ سَعِيدٍ الْقُرَشِيِّ ، قَالَ : حَدَّثَنَا أَبِي ، قَالَ : حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو بُرْدَةَ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ أَبِي بُرْدَةَ ، عَنْ أَبِي بُرْدَةَ ، عَنْ أَبِي مُوسَى رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ ، قَالَ : قَالُوا : يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ، أَيُّ الْإِسْلَامِ أَفْضَلُ ؟ قَالَ : " مَنْ سَلِمَ الْمُسْلِمُونَ مِنْ لِسَانِهِ وَيَدِهِ " .
Narrated Abu Musa: Some people asked Allah's Apostle, "Whose Islam is the best? i.e. (Who is a very good Muslim)?" He replied, "One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands."
´ہم کو سعید بن یحییٰ بن سعید اموی قریشی نے یہ حدیث سنائی، انہوں نے اس حدیث کو اپنے والد سے نقل کیا، انہوں نے ابوبردہ بن عبداللہ بن ابی بردہ سے، انہوں نے ابی بردہ سے، انہوں نے ابوموسیٰ رضی اللہ عنہ سے، وہ کہتے ہیں کہ` لوگوں نے پوچھا یا رسول اللہ! کون سا اسلام افضل ہے؟ تو نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا وہ جس کے ماننے والے مسلمانوں کی زبان اور ہاتھ سے سارے مسلمان سلامتی میں رہیں۔
A Divine Perspective The Right of the Tongue
حق اللسان
وَأَمَّا حَقُّ اللّسَان فَإكْرَامُهُ عَنِ الْخَنَى وتَعْوِيدُهُ عَلَى الْخَيْرِ وَحَمْلُهُ عَلَى الأَدَب وَإجْمَامُهُ إلاّ لِمَوْضِعِ الْحَاجَةِ وَالْمَنْفَعَةِ لِلدِّينِ وَالدُّنْيَا وَإعْفَاؤُهُ عَنِ الْفُضُول اُلشَّنِعَةِ الْقَلِيلَةِ الْفَائِدَةِ الَّتِي لا يُؤْمَنُ ضَرَرُهَا مَعَ قِلَّةِ عَائِدَتِهَا. وَيُعَدُّ شَاهِدَ الْعَقْلِ وَالدَّلِيلَ عَلَيْه وَتَزَيُّنُ الْعَاقِلَ بعَقْلِهِ حُسْنُ سِيرَتِهِ فِي لِسَانِهِ. وَلا قُوَّةَ إلا باللهِ الْعَلِيِّ الْعَظِيمِ.
And the right of the tongue is that you consider it too noble for obscenity, accustom it to good, direct it to politeness,1 do not use it except in situations of needs and benefits of the religion and this world, and refrain from any meddling in which there is little to be gained; and there is no security from its harm that accompanies its small benefits. It2 is the witness to and the evidence of the existence of the intellect. The demonstration of an intelligent person’s intellect is through his reputation of good speech.3 And there is no power but in God the High, the Great.
In the previous chapter, Imam Sajjad instructed us to use all our faculties, i.e. ourselves to obey God, and respect the rights of our body parts which are the means by which we act. In this chapter we will start the discussion of the rights of our body parts by first discussing the rights of the tongue.
Our Tongue is Our Greatest Blessing
Undoubtedly, the tongue and the ability to speak are the greatest blessings that God has bestowed on man in His Creation. This has been explicitly stated in the following verse:
خَلَقَ الْإِنسَانَ عَلَّمَهُ الْبَيَانَ
“He has created man: He has taught him speech (and intelligence).” [The Holy Qur’an, al-Rahman 55:3-4]
Speech has been described as meaning “uncovering” an object in Arabic. Our tongue expresses our inner thoughts and feelings. Our speech uncovers our inner thoughts and expresses what we think. If it was not for our ability to speak, we would be quiet just like animals and there would be no more discussion, explaining and understanding among men.
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